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Napoli Chief Aurelio De Laurentiis Under Fire for Altercation with Cameraman Before UCL Showdown Against Barcelona

SportsNapoli Chief Aurelio De Laurentiis Under Fire for Altercation with Cameraman Before UCL Showdown Against Barcelona

Aurelio De Laurentiis, the president of Napoli, may be hit with a hefty fine by UEFA for pushing a cameraman during a heated argument with Italian media.

The incident happened on the eve of Napoli’s Champions League match against Barcelona on Tuesday, while forward Matteo Politano was speaking with Italian television station Sky Sport on the side of the pitch.

While the interview was airing live, De Laurentiis stormed onto the field and exclaimed, “Politano! Politano!” He’s not authorized to talk to you (Sky).

Politano was compelled to walk away, grinning miserably. After then, De Laurentiis went back to the camera and began to yell abuse at it. The cameraman was forced to take a few backward steps to keep his equilibrium.

According to Italian media, De Laurentiis had declared that he would only permit journalists who either supported Napoli or were Neapolitans to interview his players.

In a tweet on X, formerly Twitter, channel director Federico Ferri stated, “Sky Sport decides who does Sky Sport interviews.” “I can’t express how horrified I am by what transpired with our photographer and journalist; I just denounce it.

“We’ll proceed as usual, with professionalism, accuracy, and credibility,” one thing is for sure. as well as civility.

Aside from when required in the Champions League, De Laurentiis ended pre-match press conferences last month. The club is also no longer allowed to speak with DAZN, which telecasts all Serie A games in Italy.

He has frequently caused the club to go into complete media lockdown.

Tuesday is Napoli vs. Barcelona, the second leg of the round of 16 Champions League matchup. The first leg ended in a 1-1 draw. Francesco Calzona, who took over as Napoli’s third coach of the year, managed his first game in command.


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