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Lawsuit Against Deadspin: Defamation Allegations in the Case of a 9-Year-Old Kansas City Chiefs Fan

BlogLawsuit Against Deadspin: Defamation Allegations in the Case of a 9-Year-Old Kansas City Chiefs Fan

Background: The Allegations and Fallout

The family of a 9-year-old Kansas City Chiefs fan, Holden Armenta, finds themselves embroiled in a legal battle against Deadspin, a sports news outlet, over allegations of defamation. The controversy stems from an article published by Deadspin, titled “The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” which accused Holden of wearing “blackface” during a game against the Las Vegas Raiders. The piece ignited a firestorm of controversy, prompting the Armenta family to take legal action.

Allegations of Defamation by the 9-Year-Old Kansas City Chiefs Fan Parents

In their lawsuit filed in Delaware, Holden’s parents, Shannon and Raul Armenta, assert that Deadspin deliberately published defamatory content that painted the family in a negative light. The article accused Holden and his parents of promoting racism and hate, falsely alleging that they taught such behavior at home. The Armentas contend that the publication of these allegations subjected them to a wave of hate, including death threats, and irreparably damaged their reputation.

Response to Legal Threats

The lawsuit follows weeks of legal threats from the Armentas, who demanded a retraction and apology from Deadspin and its senior writer Caron Phillips. Despite these demands, Deadspin did not retract the article or issue an apology. Instead, they quietly amended the story, removing the image of Holden and including an editor’s note expressing regret for any suggestion of attacking the 9-year-old boy. However, the Armentas argue that the damage had already been done, with Holden facing online harassment and threats to his safety.

Disputing Allegations and Providing Context

The Armenta family contends that the article deliberately omitted crucial details, such as the fact that the other half of Holden’s face was painted bright red, representing the Kansas City Chiefs’ team colors. By omitting these facts, the Armentas argue that Deadspin and Phillips misrepresented Holden’s actions and perpetuated false allegations against the family.

Seeking Justice and Accountability

In filing this lawsuit, the Armenta family seeks to set the record straight and hold Deadspin accountable for what they perceive as willfully spreading false and incendiary accusations. The family is requesting unspecified damages and other remedies deemed appropriate by the court to address the harm caused by Deadspin’s actions.


The legal battle between the Armenta family and Deadspin underscores the serious implications of defamation in the digital age. As the case unfolds, it raises important questions about journalistic integrity, responsible reporting, and the consequences of spreading false information. Ultimately, the outcome of this lawsuit will have far-reaching implications for both the individuals involved and the broader media landscape.

FAQs about the Lawsuit Against Deadspin Regarding the Kansas City Chiefs Fan Incident:

1. What is the lawsuit about?

  • The lawsuit was filed by the family of a 9-year-old Kansas City Chiefs fan against Deadspin for defamation.

2. Why did the family file the lawsuit?

  • The family claims that Deadspin intentionally published a defamatory article, causing them to face a barrage of hate and death threats. They argue that the article portrayed them as anti-Black and anti-Native American bigots, damaging their reputation and causing distress.

3. What was Deadspin’s article about?

  • Deadspin’s article, titled “The NFL needs to speak out against the Kansas City Chiefs fan in Black face, Native headdress,” accused the 9-year-old boy of wearing blackface and a traditional Native American headdress. It sparked controversy and led to legal threats from the family.

4. What were the allegations made in Deadspin’s article?

  • The article alleged that the boy and his parents engaged in racist conduct and taught racism and hate at home. It suggested that the boy disrespected two groups of people by his appearance at a Kansas City Chiefs game.

5. How did Deadspin respond to the family’s demands?

  • Despite repeated demands from the family to retract the article and apologize, Deadspin did neither. Instead, they quietly amended the story, removing the image of the boy and issuing a vague editor’s note expressing regret for any suggestion of attacking the 9-year-old.

6. What were the consequences of the article for the family?

  • The family claims that the damage was already done, with the boy facing online harassment and threats of death. They argue that the false and defamatory accusations have harmed both the child and the parents’ reputation.

7. What are the family’s demands in the lawsuit?

  • The family is seeking unspecified damages and other remedies deemed just and proper by the court. They aim to set the record straight and hold Deadspin accountable for spreading lies about their child for its own agenda.


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